About Us
Middleton and Wood of Burntwood Burntwood are a family run, independent family run funeral direBurntwoodBurntwoodStaffordshireStaffordshirefound at 10-12 RugeleyRugeley BurntwoodBurntwoodStaffordshireStaffordshireStaffordshireBA . We can be contacted by phone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the years, should you need the professional services of a funeral director. We offer three types of funeral arrangements, the direct cremation, the simple funeral and our bespoke service. Each type of funeral offers the same high level of professionalism and dignity you would expect from an independent funeral director. You can trust our funeral directors services to help you through the difficult period immediately following the loss of a loved one. But our services go further than arranging funerals, we also supply some of the most affordable memorials available in the Midlands area. In addition to our range of both cheap and bespoke funerals, they start as low as only £499 plus disbursements, we can also help you reducprehe price of, and pre-plan, your own funeral service withprer Golden Charter pre-paid funeral plans. Pop in and see how you can protect your family from the stress and financial strain of arranging and paying for your funeral in the event of your death.
About Us
Middleton and Wood of Burntwood Burntwood are a family run, independent family run funeral direBurntwoodBurntwoodStaffordshireStaffordshirefound at 10-12 RugeleyRugeley BurntwoodBurntwoodStaffordshireStaffordshireStaffordshireBA . We can be contacted by phone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the years, should you need the professional services of a funeral director. We offer three types of funeral arrangements, the direct cremation, the simple funeral and our bespoke service. Each type of funeral offers the same high level of professionalism and dignity you would expect from an independent funeral director. You can trust our funeral directors services to help you through the difficult period immediately following the loss of a loved one. But our services go further than arranging funerals, we also supply some of the most affordable memorials available in the Midlands area. In addition to our range of both cheap and bespoke funerals, they start as low as only £499 plus disbursements, we can also help you reducprehe price of, and pre-plan, your own funeral service withprer Golden Charter pre-paid funeral plans. Pop in and see how you can protect your family from the stress and financial strain of arranging and paying for your funeral in the event of your death.
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